Download Overunity Systems & The Suppression of Free Energy Technology - Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden Free

Judul:Overunity Systems & The Suppression of Free Energy Technology - Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden
info:"So, what we have is a situation where the entire structure of science, industry, the 'organization of science' and the patent office are against you. If you can't get a patent, how can you license? So, it's a real neat little thing; it's an old chicken and egg situation. 'If I had the chickens, I could get some eggs; If I had the eggs, I could get some chickens.' This situation is designed so you never get chickens and you never get eggs, so, the only thing you can do is to try to put your head down and continue with that. And do one other thing: communication. Fortunately, we do have the internet. Well, sure it's full of a lot of bad information; it's also full of a lot of good information. You just have to discriminate. So, the other thing you have to do to have any chance at all is communicate, communicate, communicate, communicate!" "But if we don't make it by the first quarter [of 2004], then we may as well all go home and enjoy our families for the time we have left, 'cause it's going to blow. It will be too little and too late. And don't come in, in 2006, when any fool can then see the world is fixing to blow up and say, 'Would you guys like to try this?' I'll say 'No, I'm going to enjoy my family while the time I have left. You blew it back in 2000-2001. You decided right then to blow it, and so, it's on your head'... It seems to me, we just ought to be wiser." ~Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden [Full Interview:] THE ENERGETIC VACUUM: IMPLICATIONS FOR ENERGY RESEARCH by Hal E. Puthoff - "Modern physical theory, specifically quantum electrodynamics (QED), tells us that the vacuum can no longer be considered a void. This is due to the fact that, even in the absence of matter, the vacuum is neither truly particle nor field free, but is the seat of virtual particle-pair (e.g. electron-positron) creation and annihilation processes, as well as zero-point-fluctuation (ZPF) of such fields as the vacuum electromagnetic field, which will be the focus of our study here. Formally, the energy density associated with the vacuum electromagnetic ZPF background is considered to be infinite. With appropriate high-frequency cutoffs the ZPF energy density is still conservatively estimated to be on the order of nuclear energy densities or greater.[1] The enormity of the figures describing the vacuum electromagnetic zero-point energy raises the question as to whether these numbers should be taken seriously, whether they are due to some defect or misinterpretation of the theory, whether the ZPF fields ought to be considered as 'virtual' or 'real'.[2] There is, however, no question but that the ZPF fields lead to real, measurable physical consequences." 1. Feynman, R.P. and Hibbs, A.R. *Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals*, page 245, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965. See also Misner, C.W., Thorne, K.S. and Wheeler, J.A. *Gravitation*, page 1202 ff. Freeman, San Francisco, 1973. 2. See: the Closing Remarks section in Boyer, T.H., Phys. Rev. D, volume 29, p. 1089, 1984 3. Casimir, H.B.G., Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet., volume 51, p. 793, 1948.
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